
List of Articles         My Books

God's Law and Related Topics

Over 240 pages of articles and research for your free download! Further articles may be added in due course.

God's Law and Way of Life before Moses

Old Testament Laws and Spiritual Requirements repeated in the New Testament

Do Sacrifices Provide Forgiveness?

Understanding the Burnt Offering

Graded Holiness and Sin

Which Commandments do the Churches of God observe/teach and not observe/teach? And why?

Feast Day Typology in the New Testament (part 1) Holy Day Charts

Feast Day Typology in the New Testament (part 2) Holy Day Imagery

Research by non-Church of God theologians & researchers supporting Church of God positions

Does the New Testament Extinguish the need for Circumcision?

Does the New Testament Extinguish the need for Circumcision? Appendices

Over decades students of Bible Law have produced indexes to these Laws to enable easier research and understanding of them. You can find them here. Please do not just rewrite them and claim them as yours. That is plagiarism.